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Monday, February 11, 2013

Hell -- In Coral Gables, Florida

This is the former home of, perhaps, the greatest NBA coach of all time, Pat Riley. This property sits in prime Florida real estate. Yes, that is water surrounding the three sides of the home and land. And, this property just sold for 16.8 million dollars to an unknown buyer. Holy shit, right?
What is hellish about this piece of heaven on earth?
The new owner purchased the property, not for the house! He purchased the property for the land. The new owner is actually going to demolish this unbelievable house and its surrounds attachments. Then he is going to rebuild a new estate on top of the land that he purchased.
This is insane.
This is obscene.
This is the crazy fantasy terraforming  by the absolutely outer space mentality of the filthy rich who have so much money that they live in Mitt Romney fantasy reality... blowing up tens of millions of dollars simply for self-edification. This is a crying shame. How do people like this live with themselves.
The mouths that could be fed with that money,
The medicine that could be purchased with that money.
The housing for the poor that could be built with that money.
The good that could be done with that money.
I hope that the new owner of this property somehow reads this missive. I am declaring shame on you and all that you, whoever you are, stand for. The waste of money, and the destruction of already beautifully build property that you are about to demolish, is an affront to everything reasonable in life tor the 99% of the country who will never see the kind of money you spend in a month... during their lifetimes. This is insane. And, so are you!
You aren't creating a bit of heaven with your actions. You are creating a vector point oh hell. Surely the ground will open up and consume your very being for your obscene actions
Hell -- In Coral Gables, Florida!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Hell -- The Redwood Forests Of The USA

Man, the termite scourge of the earth, has chewed its way through the plant life of this planet like termites chewing through an untreated house. Man has destroyed the planet... and the planet is now rebelling. 

The redwood forests of this part of northwestern United States of America were nearly obliterated by one power company that went into the ancient forest of the largest plants on the earth and nearly cut down every tree on the acreage. And, the nasty, uncaring, greedy government of that state, and of the United States of America, allowed it to happen. And, if you believe in god, how can the actions of an evil, greedy company that was allowed to destroy the earths greatest oxygen producing living things, the Giant Redwood Trees, not be anything other than an affront to that god!

The world is rebelling, people. This planet is trying to exterminate the vermin that is destroying the surface. Man has become a blight on the earth and we are about to be exterminated. God help all of us if, from day to day, the do gooders of the world cannot fix this planet before that cataclysmic event happens that kills us all!

This story should piss-off the world! How could the owner of this power company, with anything other than psychotic greed, actually order the complete destruction of this Redwood forest? It is insane!

I was a kid in the 1960s, and conservationists were screaming bloody murder back then.

This video is very hopeful, but these trees take a human lifetime to grow to half full size. Incredible, the destruction man has wrought upon this planet!

Is Hell a glowing pit of burning fire and brinstone? Or, is Hell right here on the surface of the planet earth, open and visible, for all of us to see?

I see Hell! I hope you see it, too. And we can all get up off our asses and throw a cup of water on the fire. It might make a difference!


Thursday, February 7, 2013

Hell -- Darrell Issa's Religious Motivations For Hell


America, let me tell you a little something about the bat shit crazy, America hating, woman stomping, racist bastard Darrell Issa. This Lebanese-American man, born in Cleavland, Ohio has a very interesting family mixture of religion and ethnicity. As you research his background, you will discover that he, like many of his Republican partners in crime, have extremely similar backgrounds when it comes to how his family came to America, worked their asses off, made GLOBS of money and adopted the very American anti-religious philosophy... opposite of the religion they hold forth as a shield... of FUCK YOU EVERYBODY! I'VE GOT MINE NOW FUCK ALL OF YOU PEON BASTARDS!

Darrell Issa has a personal fortune of over $450 million dollars. Do you think that man gives a goddamn about any of you? Fuck no!

This man has transformed into another spoiled, power mad, drunk off his own ego bastard who has one thing in his mind -- MAKE THEM DO WHAT I TELL THEM TO DO!

Do you want to know why Darrell Issa is a racist, job killing, woman hating bastard? Ask his Eastern Orthodox father! Or, ask his Mormon mother! Or, ask his Greek Orthodox grandparents! All that religion has NOTHING to do with an American Negro like me! And, America, you just saw what a Mormon running for the Presidency thinks about the 47% of the parasite dregs of society that he believed to be social leeches!

What motivated Darrell Issa to sit on his throne in Washington, DC in 2012, present a panel of all men who were going to discuss the issues of women's bodies in a sanctioned congressional forum, refuse to allow ONE woman to testify on the behalf of the 55% of the women that populate this planet, castigate and dismiss Sandra Fluke like she was trash and after all this derision was finished... walked away drunk with their unchallenged power, strutting with puffed-out chests like full feathered peacocks? Anti-everything religion. that's what!

That is the man California continues to unleash onto the rest of the country, year after year! You can bet your last poor dollar that the people who continue to vote Darrell Issa into power are rich, uncaring Republican bastards like him! And none of them give a fuck about poor, moneyless worker drones who are beneath their contempt!

America, you better tell California to get their shit together over there and use the power of the vote to FIRE Darrell Issa! Look at what this man is directly doing to you and your families... and he doesn’t even know your goddamn name!


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Hell -- At The Desk Of Darrell Issa

You are looking at the worst human being in America. Every day another Republican steps up to the front of the Screw The American Public Line! Today, for another day, it is the deadly political obstructionist Darrell Issa.
This Republican, from California for god's sake, is a woman hating, racist, job killing fool who has taken it upon himself to use his Republican powers to obstruct women's rights and attack the workers of America. He is a monster who is single-handily bringing down the American economy with his flat-out attacks on American workers!
You are looking at the face of the man who is responsible for allowing the economy killing decision by the Post Master General to immediately end Saturday post office delivery. This is a crime before the people of America and those same people in California have got to put an end to this man's madness by voting his ass out of congress in two years.
America -- Darrell Issa has GOT to be fired in two years! You cannot allow this man to stomp all over YOUR rights!
He has attacked women like they are dogs!
He has lied to the public about many of the sleezy actions he had sanctioned.
He is a bully who is filled with smarmy bile.
And his resume of ignorance and evil is a mile long.
It is right there online for you to find if you want to know just how evil this man is!
Just ask Sandra Fluke!
Today's actions taken against the Post Office just might be blatantly illegal. The constitution protects the Post Office -- and the lawyers MUST attack Issa and his gang of political outlaws!
Darrell Issa lives in Hell... and he wants to drag us all down into the pit he lives in.
I'm not going!