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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Hell -- Congress + Religion = Bead Babies

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Horror... across the USA!

I am assuming this horror is the result of the content of the below text! If I am wrong with the assessment of the reason for the death of this baby, I will acknowledge my mistake. But, the rant I am about to make is still completely RIGHT!

Crazy, ignorant, jerks of religion… forcing clinics to shut down across the country that could, and would, prevent a woman, or girl, who is secretly in an unwanted pregnancy from feeling that her only option in life, when the inevitable birth of the baby happens, is committing this horrid act of... going off into a remote area of the woods, having the baby by herself, MURDERING the baby by either leaving it to the elements, or perhaps killing it herself!

This insane war against women in America is anti-life! Shutting down all the abortion clinics in America, plus shutting down Planned Parenthood, WILL… and is… driving millions of women underground, into the woods, into back alleys, under bridges, in the bathrooms of their own homes… to deliver their own secret pregnancies, and perhaps kill the baby!

This is a sad madness that has infected Americans… this religion shit! And it is even sadder, and madder, that many Americans believe the bat-shit ranting of people who are obviously stupid, disturbed… and deranged -- all in the name of religion!

What sane human being in a modern society opposes universal heath care for women… who are carrying children! This anti-Planned Parenthood nonsense is crazy!

Human beings are social animals! Most of us need contact with other humans. We are sane, rational and make proper decisions. But… circumstances, even little ones, can devolve a human into a sneaky animal that has one thing on its mind -- survival!

And a pregnant woman… with a child growing inside her belly from, say, a… Rape, or a mistake, or an underage sex act, or incest, or Rape… who might become more desperate as the days and weeks pass by. And being a desperate human… she decides to take care of the issue herself! Why… because she can’t go to her parents! She can’t go to her clergy! She can’t go to her friends. She can’t go to her rapist! She can’t go to her doctor… because, like MANY people in America, she doesn’t have a doctor. What in the fuck is she to do?

Her government has let her down by listening to the literally crazy religious American HUMANS who, in their gin soaked, cocaine burned, Meth addled, pill popping, brains have imagined this apocalyptic earth where all the babies in America are killed in Planned Parenthood facilities… and so they suck the dicks of Congressmen to give them the incentive to vote to literally defund half the WOMEN”S HEALTH CARE in America!

Well America… where are these women suppose to go? And you are as stupid in your fucked-up brain if you actually believe all women across this nation have access to health care. You are a fucking joke, if you believe that! And that goes for men and women!

Will you goddamn stupid-ass, dumb-ass bastards stop listening to the ignorance of people who don’t even know what the bible is actually about in the first place? These are the same people who believe Jesus is a white European! Samson is a black man who lost his hair and power after he was tempted by that white bitch Delilah! And Satan looks like a Star Wars Sith Lord version of Barack Obama!

Yea, I’m talking about that racist piece of shit on the History Channel called “The Bible!” The same people believing that horse shit are the same people who vote to block money that would help millions of women in health crisis across America… and, by proxy, endanger the same children they claim to want to protect!


These people are only interested in their agenda! They don’t give a shit about you, women of America! They only care about what is inside your womb! Once the child is born… they couldn’t give one good goddamn fuck about the millions of children, of all kinds of conditions of health and degrees of being actually wanted by someone… including the mother. What are they saying is going to happen to all the children?

Not a sane word, goddamn it!

This is 2013, people! Start acting like it.

And in the end… a dog returns home to its masters with a dead newborn baby wrapped in plastic!

Holy Shit! This is my goddamn America. I’m 54 years old now. Sometimes I can’t wait for death to just take me away from this ignorant, craziness of the American life!

Jesus Christ!


Thursday, March 14, 2013

HELL -- A Texas Weasel Demon Burning Down Congress

I graduated from Killeen High School in Killeen, Texas. I can attest to the fact that Texas is -- along side North Carolina, South Carolina, Arizona and Mississippi -- the most racist state in America! I would fear for my life walking along any street outside of a large city in all of these states. And gun toting, Negro hating, sexist, homophobic Republican white Texas men like Texas Republican, Ted Cruz, are the reasons why I would fear for my life!

You are looking into the eyes of evil, America. If you like what you are seeing, and hearing, then I wish you the same burning hellish death I wish upon white men who would tie my ankles together with chains, lash me to the back of a pick-up truck, drag me to death right straight through main street of town and then brag about it to their friends!

Texas… Hell On Earth!


Feinstein, Cruz spar over gun rights
Every day Congress is in session, this is the stupid, crazy crap that goes on. You have idiots, like this Texas Republican freak, who is voted into power by the wealthy white Texans who purchased him his seat in congress. And today, this Freshman Congressman... only months in office, is shit-talking Senator Dianne Feinstein.
And here you see the problem with our government, America -- how do we really expect these people in politics to respect US when they don't give a shit about EACH other. We, regular Americans, are just collateral damage as they collect their paychecks for fighting like children!

I graduated from Killeen High School in Killeen, Texas in 1977. I know Texas and I know Texas white people! Texas runs itself like it is a country within a country. White Texans want the blacks and the Mexicans gone, they want EVERYBODY to be able to own as many guns as they can buy and they want to EXECUTE every Negro they can't chase out of the state... with the exceptions of sports slaves and the working class slaves.

This jerk talking smack to Senator Feinstein is the perfect white Texas man! You hear his obsession with books? Texas is like the Ray Bradbury classic book, Fahrenheit 451! Research Texas’ strict control of the literature Texans can read and you will WANT Texas to go ahead and secede from the rest of America.

Remember the bat shit craziness you saw in the stupidity of Texas Governor, Rick Perry? That was real, people. And that pill popping Republican freak could have been our President!

Check the demographics of the ratio of black people in Texas to the rest of the people in Texas. Then look at the amount of black people who are unceremoniously executed every year in Texas! Then look at the amounts of black people who are released from prison in Texas because of abject false accusations.

Texas is hell!

And you are getting a good look at one of its hellish lieutenants… sitting right there in Congress, making a mockery of a system that is already broken in half!

What a crock of crap. America!


Monday, March 11, 2013

HELL -- Racist New York City, Mayor Bloomberg -- RACIST!

New York City... with your racism soaked walls of sin and gin!
Your nasty attitudes and broken dreams... you depravity soaked has been!
Go drown yourself in the next scandal,
Go huff the smoke from a cyanide candle!
Your endemic racism makes goddamn congress look like a love-in!  


I want to respect the opinions of white people commenting on this poster. But, it is blackness who should be pissed and speaking out! Now let me give you the real scoop on this racist piece of crap attack on black human beings!

In a city like New York City, where black people were always blamed for EVERY goddamn ill that city had, one of the main attack points against black people was the blatant, racist lies about the birth rate of black women, the racist attacks on the character of black men and our relationship with our women and the ever-present caricature of what we look like!

The sheer gall, the unmitigated amount of balls it takes to take that picture of that kid, place her on a poster, write those words that are a PISS FILLED SLAP TO THE FACE OF EVERY BLACK MAN ALIVE, and display it for the public, the white public, to see is racist dogmatic bullshit at its worst!

And again, America, why are black people not rioting in the streets when another outrageous kick to our nuts is delivered to us by our racist government, or by the racism of the biggest city on earth?



Black people in America -- 11% to 13% of the USA population! Why the fuck are you goddamn people so obsessed with the lives of black people? Holy Shit!


Friday, March 8, 2013

HELL -- The Republican War On Woman... And The Liars Who Push The Agenda

(click for information)
Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) is one of several House Republicans that put out misleading statements about their votes on the Violence Against Women Act. (AP Photo/Cliff Owen).
These words are directed toward American women... men's sweethearts...
A species of human being under assault by its Republican male counterparts!
Republican sick bastards, women and men...
138 of them voted against violence as sin...
And now they lie in their literature stating the law, they did, impart.
Women of North America... you are smarter than all these men!
Now is not the time to shrink back and let them Win!
They voted against the Violence Against Women Act...
They lied and told you they actually respect the pact...
As they actually turn their backs to you and deride you again!
These white men have no respect for Native American women, so royal...
They could care less if one is beaten, raped and killed on American soil!
A black woman is a Nigger C**T...
A Native American woman is a Squaw runt...
And they would RAPE you, then chop you up and boil you in caustic oil!
You have one more year of this Republican bullshit nonsense to take.
During the next voting cycle you better toss Republicans into the lake!
They mean you hate and harm!
Women, you must heed the blaring alarm!
Times are serious, women of America... nothing about this is fake!

HELL: Rape and the American Religious Man -- A Marrage Made in American Hell!

I was watching Chris Matthews on 3-6-13 on MSNBC. As usual, he was blabbering about politics, talking over his guests and constantly backhandedly giving Republicans respect. He drives me crazy because one minute he sounds very intelligent, and then the next moment, he sounds like an idiot. And when he got to the subject of Republicans and their obsession with rape... well his idiot side emerged again.

I do not understand the wimpiness of the various hosts of the MSNBC programming... and their seemingly unwillingness to attack Republican men who advocate the ultimate disrespect for women with their rape talk. They will do a tap dance around the subject, but NONE of them will become as vicious as the Republicans!

I have no goddamn fright in me when it comes to blasting the Republican fucks, all white men, who obsess over rape!

Do you want to know what the goddamn deal is with rape? Do you want to get real? Do you want to challenge everything you know about religion, male to female relationships and sex? Well... do you?

Below is a Vetting America posting from 2012! Inside this posting is the reason why southern/mid-western white men are obsessed with rape. Period!




Hello America... well Todd Akin should have been the nail in the coffin of the Republican Party. But even though he made his very offensive statements against women, regarding rape and pregnancy and more of his craziness… the Republican Party still rallied around him and he is still trying to compete in his state.

Now you have Richard Mourdock saying his patently offensive Tea Party, backwoods religion from the 1800’s, ignorant dangerous dogmatic snake handling fundamentalist Evangelical, Taliban-like nonsense in front of cameras. The madness of these self hating, women hating, men… and their women… is just plain dangerous.

I have heard this crazy talk for all my life. My mother dragged me and my siblings, kicking and screaming, to Pentecostal churches up until the time I was eighteen. Everything these mostly Midwestern based, and southern based people, vomit out of their mouths about religion and its relationship to women sounds just like the Pentecostal dogma I heard, day and night, as a younger person.

These people believe that women are dirty creatures who are cursed by god with the evil of having to deal with ALL the aspects relating to childbirth.

They believe that men are given the right by God to rule their household.

They believe that women MUST be subservient to their men.

They believe that women must have certain dress codes.

They believe that God talks to them through “talking in tongues.”

Snake handling is an offshoot of Pentecostal fundamentalism.

And as far as all this rape talk is concerned… well, rape, sex and women has a special place in the overall mindset of these fundamentalists. And it goes like this:

If your woman does not give you your sex, you are completely within your right to take your sex! I heard this debated often as I became older and was privy to adult conversations. Rape, or not, is the great dirty secret of American religious fundamentalism!

This is 60 Minutes territory!

Let it also be known that I have a military parent, so I have lived around the world. My mother dragged us to Pentecostal Churches throughout America, Germany, France, Belgium, Spain and a couple of other places I will keep to myself.

I have heard Pentecostal preaching’s from around the world… and I hated every moment of it. I ALWAYS thought those white people are crazy and I never wanted to be a part of their insanity. My mother literally dragged me to these places and as soon as I hit eighteen years of age and finished high school at Killeen High School in Killeen, Texas I was done with the crazy and got the heck away. I practically ran from Texas to North Carolina to escape my torturers!

Want to know why these people don’t give one flip about preserving our planet? These people have the apocalyptic obsession with the biblical concept known as the rapture. They believe that God will one day return to earth and kill off everyone, except for true fundamentalists, who will be magically swept away to heaven, while everyone, and everything, left on earth will be transported to hell to burn with the devil. These people believe this WILL happen and that they Will go to heaven… so they do not care about preserving earth. It is doomed… in their eyes.

I believe that law enforcement has got to crack down of these crazy beliefs.

Women of rational reality, you now know that you are only meat to be controlled by these people. And you know that they have a dirty relationship with rape. And there are thousands of frightening beliefs in the minds of these people.

Finally… if you are a woman and you vote for Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan, or any of these Republican freaks, then you are voting against the very right you have to control your own body!

Think about that, ladies, before you vote in November!

I grew up full on in Pentecostalism... but, I never believed in it!
I graduated from high school in 1977. My mother is full on Pentecostal and I was forced to go to church half of the days of the week up until I left home soon after graduating high school. My experiences with Pentecostalism ranged in locations from Germany to Texas!
I've read the bible, front to back, 5 times. I was forced to read that book... and I hated every bullshit word I read! Now that my own son is an adult, I will never read another passage in the bible again. Enough!
Pentecostals, and the rest of the Religious Right believe in biblical absolutism... as it pertains to worship, obtaining religious power and sexual relationships with women. Fuck worship, fuck obtaining religious power.... lets talk about biblical mandates about how men relate to women!
Women are subservient to their men! Period! Is there conflict with modern women who may actually be more powerful than their husbands? Fuck yes... but when that woman takes her ass into church she is told... no, commanded, to obey her husband! You take the fucked-up derision of religious based relationships from there, if you dare.
Women are commanded to service their men's sexual needs! The word no does not exist in the world of fundamentalist religion! And the word RAPE does not exist, either.
How the fuck can a woman be raped if the word rape, and the concept of rape, does not exist in the world of religious fundamentalism? That concept, and the subjugation of women around the world by rape, is built into the wall of the structure of religion.
Some of you crazy bastards, and bitches, want to ignore the bat shit crazy religious derision that you have sat down in church and listened to for decades... by men, and women, who preach to you 2000 year old dogma that you lap up like dogs lapping up the vomit it just expelled from its own stomach onto the dirt!
I was forced, like many of you, by my mom to drown in religious sexist, racist, bigoted, homophobic dangerous rhetoric until I was old enough to get the fuck out of the household at 18 years old... in 1977! And I haven't been back home to stay since then!
And that goes for church, too.
I refuse to sit in a pulpit and waste my fucking time listening to men who do not have a goddamn clue about the depth of the bible! Harvard scholars, with their education and resources, do not have a goddamn clue about the metaphorical content that fills the bible. The book is a riddle, wrapped inside a lie, sandwiched between time and space, and diluted by centuries of men's fucking with it!

NOBODY alive today haves one goddamn clue what the bible is about.
And the men, and women, who tell you they have the answers? They are scamming pricks trying to find a way to control you!
America has three parts to it. 47 % here... 6% in the middle... and 47% over there. 47% of America, comprised of about 90 % white people hate black people, hate foreigners, hate secular order, hate women and their desire to self-regulate their own lives and hate the concept of their very own government existing to help them live. But they do love this... religion as the guiding force of everything in their lives, both good and evil!
47% on the other side, thank your god, neutralizes that bat shit madness... just barely.
And the 6% in the middle... holy fuck! Which way will they vote tomorrow? Who in the hell knows... but that uncertainty is some scary shit!
Women in America better hope that the 6% votes against the rape culture of the Republican party in a year! You better hope to the moon that Republicans are voted out of offices across this land. Fuck all this economy fight-mongering bullshit, however important to Americans lives it it... it is the social structure of America that is eroding today... right before our eyes.
And women, what is at stake here is your ability to control your very own vagina... and what goes in it! Do you want to be forced to take state mandated vaginal probes? Do you, really? Then come to the state I live in, Virginia... because this state is VERY close to sneaking that mandate in under the cloak of darkness.
Do you want to be raped... forcibly fucked and brutalized, mocked and discredited... by white men politicians who believe, by BIBLE mandate and decree, that you MUST submit to a man's dick penetrating your vagina, forcibly injecting you with unwanted semen... that could quite possibly be infected with HIV, that could possibly impregnate you with a rapist's baby... and then you will be forced to carry that baby to term and birth that baby?

And god help you if that rapist's baby comes to any harm while it is is your uterus! You would be charged with MURDER by the Religious Right that controls your state!

Are you hearing this women of America? Republican men are still talking Rape to this very day!

Rape to control women -- in Africa, in Europe, in South America, in Pacific nations... in the GOP USA!

And, just so you know that I am totally aware of the full scope of the rape culture around the world -- black men are involved in this madness, too. The difference in the perpetrators of the crimes is this -- American black men would have to be insane to use the words rape and politics in the same paragraph!

But not Republican white men. They are goddamn proud of their religion, their dogma, their racism and the rape they nurture in their lives. And they have nothing to fear from an American media machine that is complicit with their actions!

Wouldn't you like to feed some truth serum to the wives and daughters of these Republican men... and their goddamn pastors and priests?

Remember to vote with your minds women... vote with your minds!