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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

HELL -- Washington, DC -- CPAC 2014 -- War Monger -- More Sarah Palin Stupidity!

War Mongering Sarah Palin at CPAC Convention in Washington, DC -- 2014

From the lips of Alaska’s crazed 'Lipstick On A Pig” former half-governor...
Comes her call to meet Russia’s overlord President with Nuclear force tenor!
And the all white Republican audience gave her loud applause...
Their stupidity equal to Palin’s glaringly obvious mental flaws!
These idiots are actually poking a Russian bear with a nuke... run for cover!



Friday, March 7, 2014


This is Republican Congressman Mitch McConnell at CPAC 2014 with rifle in hand.
For him, the strict Washington, DC gun control laws are buried deep under the sand.
If it had been a black man brandishing that long gun...
The cops would have executed him on the spot, like Hussein's son...
And every Republican there would decry "Stand Your Ground," Son... join the band!


How do gun fearing black people reason an image like this photo?
How do black people co-exist with crazed white men packing legal heat?
What is it like to fear the old Republican codger bastard with a gun in his hand?
Here, from The Poem Per Day Project... again... is what some of us live through daily.

(Poem 18 of 365)


Sitting at a stoplight to nowhere... these thoughts --
Yesterday was a warm day here in Northern Virginia.
I drove up to the gas station to put some gas in my car.
I was playing my music loud, I confess,
As I pulled up beside the gas pump.
The band on my CD is called Slave.
The song oozing from my 6 speaker system was "Watching You."
No cursing, no rap and no offensive tone in this CD.

I am a Negro man in my 50's.
I grew up in the times when black men expressed through music.
And we play our music loud when we drive down the street.
And we don't give a goddamn if you like it, or not.
And, just for context, white men play loud music in their cars, too.
Don't twist the facts and blame the black when you shoot them dead!
As they play their music in their cars.
Just because you are white and allowed,
By the government supposedly serving us both,
To shoot black men dead if you don't like their music.

I was alone at the pump at the gas station.
Within minutes a younger black dude drove into the stall next to me.
He got out of his car... and immediately approached me.
He said, be careful, man, they shoot black people over our music.
There was real fear in his eyes as he looked at me.
I assured him that to live in fear is not to live, at all.
I welcome the next dick who decided to attack me over my music.

We said a few more cool words and had a laugh, or two.
And then I got in my car and drove off before he was finished gassing.
That exchange is a prime example of what it is like to be black.
That exchange is a prime example of the fear in being black.
That exchange is a prime example of the paranoia of blackness.
That exchange is a prime example of what it is like:


Sunday, March 2, 2014

HELL -- Wherever Darrell Issa Sits His Racist Ass At The Moment!

This image of Issa is from the time of his total disrespect for Sandra Fluke.

Darrell Issa is the wealthiest congressman serving right now. His personal wealth is well over 450 million dollars. I would not give a damn about his wealth, if it were not for the fact that he is the devil personified!

A couple of his anti-American humanity crusades are... his obsession with closing down the Post Office. All of the deadly ills that vex the postal system are caused by Issa's over-the-top war on it.

Also, Issa is the leader of the hardcore anti-women's rights movement sweeping across the congress. Check the Sandra Fluke case from a year ago to find your true hatred of Darrell Issa!

And, but by far not least, Darrell Issa -- the wealthiest congressman in Washington, DC... worth over 450 million dollars -- is the number one crusader against the food stamp program. The reason why millions of American children are stomach growling hungry, as I write these words, is directly because Darrell Issa lied his way right into the minds of his fellow 99.9 % Caucasian, racist, sexist, homophobic and bigoted Republican lynchmen... who voted away the food to feed poor children.

This man can easily, with pocket change,  eat ‘Almas’ Iranian Beluga Caviar on fancy French crackers every day of the week as a snack between bouts of his sexist racism, if he so chooses... and wash it down with Crystal Champagne while thumbing his nose at his wait staff.

Who in the hell knows how the devil personified actually lives.

Darryll Issa... from hell!


Saturday, March 1, 2014



I graduated from high school in Killeen, Texas in 1977.
Back in my day the Texas war was against black people's existence.
Those in power covered black Texans in an evil, racist death resin...
And a horrible time in jail... or death... to those who offered resistance.

Time has passed and the Negroes of the state still live in fear of Texas white people.
Rural white Texans are a hateful people who wish the "Niggers" never were freed.
Oh, everything looks well and good when you approach a white steeple...
Until you walk inside and swear to god that pastor is holding a rattle snake, indeed!

And the other thing about the white people of rural Texas is the hatred for women!
White men hate women and white women hate women... because of their sexuality!
It is the backward, backwoods, isolated, dust bowl horror of sex that clouds their vision!
All that sick derision drives rural white people to vote, and act upon, that mentality.

Last night the Rachel Maddow show, of MSNBC, reported on Texas.
The focus was on the state of the Texas anti-family planning war against poor women's order!
Maddow focused in on the travesty of the sharp rise in the women self-aborting nexus...
Women buying abortion-inducing drugs on the street... or across the boarder!

She also reported on another abortion doctor forced to close his doors in a part of the state!
Now, thousand upon thousands upon thousands of women have no doctor to help them!
The HELL that the Texas lawmakers imposed upon these women is criminal freight!
How many Texas women have died because of imposed HELL... to condemn?

But in the end of the Maddow piece... hope and joy was in the air...
Because the women who are being bombed by Texas KNOW who their enemy is!
There are thousands of gut-punched women now all pro-Democrat -- they swear...
To give their loyalty to a political party that at least ACTS like it cares for their biz.

A corner of actual HELL is Texas!
Hell has opened its doors in Texas for decades on end!
Be you black, or Spanish speaking, or a woman punched in her solar plexus...
Texas hell will continue to burn the underclass as long as Republicans continue to trend!

Goodbye, Texas Republicans!
Goodbye, Ted Cruz!
Goodbye, Rick Perry... you racist, sexist, homophobic bastard!
May the door strike your racism down as you scurry back to your skunk holes!