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Monday, September 16, 2013

Hell -- 50% Of White People And Their Hatred Of Everything Obamacare

Here, for your perusal, sane America... another slice of American hell:

I hate to say this one, America. I really dislike the fact that if you look at the pictures and names of the people across this nation who are opposed to Obamacare you will see a drowning sea of plaid shirt wearing, blue jean having, scraggly faced unwashed-looking WHITE people who ALL look like they could use a huge dose of Obamacare. If you study the photos from the opposed from the rallies and the town hall meetings from across America, you will see 99.9% white people.

And again I ask this question... What’s The Matter With White People? Don’t just listen to me, a black man, complain about white people. How about reading all about it in the excellent book from 2012 by Joan Walsh?

The pure ignorance in 50% of the minds of Americans should frighten the shit out of the rest of us. The fact that nearly all of these people have NEVER read the tenants of Obamacare... because they are either too stupid to log onto a computer and read the complicated rules or they simply listen to Republican anti-Obama racists who have one cause in life -- oppose the black man in the Presidency!

I have heard, with my own two ears, white people -- young and old -- say they want the government to stay out of their Medicare. And I scream in my mind, “You goddamn ignorant fools! Medicare IS the national social insurance program administered by the federal government since 1965. What the hell is wrong with you stupid people?”

I have seen with my own two eyes scores of white people picketing with signs stating get the government out of the same social insurance program that the are obviously sucking the teat of every day of their lives.

Face it America... 50% of the white people you meet everyday, included in the mix are your relatives, are abjectly stupid and would rather die than read the facts!

And that is just crazy... like 50% of the white people in MY America!

Jeezus Christ, what is it going to take to get the hell off this planet of hell and stupidity?


Monday, September 9, 2013


White people of America... you should be goddamn ashamed of, and frightened by, the fact that these three crazy ass bastards are representatives of WHITE American's involvement in the affairs in the governments of the Middle East.

Holy shit! Are you kidding me? These three Republican psychopaths have spread a brand of racist, sexist, homophobic backwoods religion rhetoric that has infected half of America with its jet black, humorless evil.

Why are there so many stupid, ignorant Americans walking the streets of their states and cities and towns these days? Because of bat shit crazy Republican dirt eaters like these three freaks spreading their mental illness to them through idiotic rhetoric like this in this video!

Who but racist, afraid of EVERYBODY ELSE, freaks like these three jerks, and the people who think like them, believe that the Muslim Brotherhood were the cause of 911?

What The Fuck? Is this really a Saturday Night Live skit? Bravo, NBC! You have just outdone yourselves better than anything you have EVER broadcast over your airways.

What? This is for real? You mean Hell just actually cracked open the crust of American insanity and just swallowed us all whole?

God help us all! This is the craziest shit I have seen in all 54 years of my goddamn life!



Thursday, September 5, 2013

Hell -- Texas And Its Health Care Syatem

Words to Texas --

You can thank your money smart, but socially backward thinking fool of a Governor, Rick Perry, he who believed that education and health care should be obliterated in exchange for the expansion of the corporate wealth state.

When you keep the population of your state dumb and ignorant, Rick Perry… religion and stupidity takes over. How many people out there in the hinterlands of isolated huge stretches of lonely Texas are not being educated about health care and what that means to the population at large? I would guess that number is in the tens of thousands of people, Governor.

There is s movement to NOT vaccinate children, young and older, because there is a lot of ignorance being spread about giving, and getting, your shots. Ass-hole jerks of the extreme stupid kind, like Rick Perry and Michelle Bachmann, spread lies among the populace of their respective states about education and health care options.

Bachmann is famous for the OUTRIGHT lie of ignorance she spread about a particular inoculation shot that most people should get. Do a little research and gasp in amazement at what you will find about Michelle Bachmann and her stances on health care and homosexuality… and her dangerous followers. And then find a video of her husband.

Back to Texas -- get your shots, Texans. Come on, over there.  Just a few days ago you have a Measles outbreak in Newark, Texas directly associated with the religious ignorance coming out of that freak show… Kenneth Copeland Ministries @

Who in the hell knows what seriously frightening diseases are incubating inside the bodies of the people in the hundreds of isolated towns across Texas. My god, the potential horror!

Now, you have this deadly Texas Whooping Cough outbreak! Have you ever seen a child with Whooping Cough? It will break your heart to watch the child suffer -- unless you are a heartless bastard like Rick Perry or a heartless bitch like Michelle Bachmann!

Smart people help the dumb people, please!

And get rid of the dumbest one of all… Rick Perry -- NOW!