Today, in the third worst state on the United States of America soil...
The people of that batshit, inbred racist place reelected a festering human boil!
The people, again, chose to be led by a sleazy bastard...
Showing that they are as stupid as a goddamn drunk who's plastered!
South Carolina is now the center of HELL where idiotic political freaks toil!
If you are a right minded person who wants progress and sanity...
Stay the hell out of South Carolina and its fucked-up backwater insanity!
The people are as stupid as a KKK lynching!
The people are as brainless as an earthworm flinching!
And they will tell you they made their choice because of their snake handling Christianity!
Some parts of America should simply slide off into the Atlantic ocean!
Should the idiotic people of South, and North, Carolina drown in the salty motion?
Fuck the racists, the bigots, the idiots, the sexists and the homophobic jerks!
Fuck the religious zealots, the Klansmen and the S.C. idiot quirks!
And may your God forgive S.C. for mixing insanity and sanity into a stupid potion!
Drink up, you crazy bastards in full display!
Who in their right mind wants to go to S.C. to eat and play?
I wouldn't trust one South Carolinian with preparing my food!
I don't want dirty, filthy sleazy enablers servicing me in my bad mood!
The slime coating everything in South Carolina smells like moldy decay!
Hell on earth -- South Carolina of May 7, 2013!