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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Hell -- Houston, Texas... For Allowing This Pure Form Anti-Black Racism On Its Multicultural Soil!

This is a response I wrote on The Huffington Post regarding people, 
All white in my opinion,
Defending Ted Cruz's outright racism...
Pandered to another all white Texas audience!

As a 54 year old black man,
I'll tell you this...
Ted Cruz is a racist Chicken Hawk...
Pandering to the ALL WHITE RACIST AUDIENCE in the crowd in this video clip.
Ted Cruz is a lawyer who graduated from Harvard!
And those of you who believe he slips into his racism by mistake are simply...

The idiots out there --
All white --
On sites like the -- The Huffington Post --
 And in other parts of the media,
Who agree with Ted Cruz’s racism by minimizing his racism are...
Too stupid to realize that they are being manipulated by a master scammer,
 Who is using their energy and fear and hatred to gain one thing only --

White people...
Ted Cruz does not give a crap about ANY OF YOU PEOPLE.
He single handily was the cause of the government shutdown.
It is madness that the same people raped of their basic rights
 And money,
Are the same people following Ted Cruz straight down to hell!

Sheer madness...
And shame on white America for not calling out Ted Cruz!
Many white people in America have ALWAYS feared a race war against the NIGGERS!
White people...
You continue to allow your white brothers, 
And your white sisters, 
To scream racism in times when it is not necessary or needed...
And eventually you are going to drive the objects of your paranoid derision to --
Give you what you want...
That race war!

Leave the Niggers of your derision alone...
Ted Cruz...
Senator from TEXAS!
And fix this Nigger's fucking country!
Do your goddamn job!


Sunday, October 20, 2013



The sad case of Rebecca Sedwick, 
the Florida girl bullied to the point of committing suicide!

It is as simple as this, America, you show me a bully... I will show you a bully parent or a bully guardian. The authorities in this country, whomever they are, have disregarded family dysfunction for simply too long. Many people in this country are out of their minds... and they take their derision and their craziness out on their children or the children in their care.

Someday, some time, we have to all come to grips with the fact that human monsters are being created every day by the parents they are abused by!

When, in the name of all that is HOLY AND UNHOLY, is America going to take a ZERO TOLERANCE to bulling... period!

How is is possible that ANYONE could see the video in question on Facebook of an adult attacking children, or children attacking children, and think it is OK... let alone not report that video to the police.

What the hell?

Now we know, without one doubt, why this one girl in this dysfunctional family bullied the young girl to the point of committing suicide. Children absolutely imitate the behavior of the adults raising them.

You, the adult, smokes cigarettes... they might smoke cigarettes. You, the adult, curse like a sailor... the children WILL curse like a sailor. You, the adult, abuse drugs in front of the children... they WILL experiment with drugs. You, the adult, beat-up your mate in front of the children... they might grow up to either become victims of abuse or become the abusers themselves. And if you, the adult, are a bulling Son of a Bitch... you can damn well believe that the children under your care WILL bully someone else!

It is as simple as this, you show me a bully... I will show you a bully parent or a bully guardian. The authorities in this country, whomever they are, have disregarded family dysfunction for simply too long. Many people in this country are out of their minds... and they take their derision and their craziness out on their children or children in their care.


Saturday, October 12, 2013

Hell -- The Racist Republican Value Voter Conference In Washington, DC

Quote from the above article: Joe Wurzelbacher, more commonly known as Joe the Plumber, wants Americans to "admit" they "want a white Republican president again."
"Wanting a white Republican president doesn’t make you racist, it just makes you American," Wurzelbacher wrote on his website Oct. 10.

As Washington, DC is white washed by the Value Voter 2013 Republican crazies conference this weekend, social conservatives are boiling alive in the racist, sexist, homophobic, misogynistic, bigoted, hateful, disrespectful, war mongering hatred of the Evangelical religion psychosis. Their hatred for the homosexual is only topped by their hatred of the Negro President!

Ted Cruz is their evil Hitler! Michele Bachmann is their brainwashed by cracked religion Eva Braun! And the rest of the Republicans, the Tea Party and the rest of the Republican liars who tell you to your face they hate Ted Cruz but will follow him into hell when this government shutdown mess is over, are their hell spawn progeny!

Anybody... white people... remember this picture of Eva Braun from 1937? Yes, this is Adolph Hitler's girlfriend.

Braun in blackface in 1937. (Getty)

This is Eva Braun without the blackface. Cute, isn't she? But, THIS WAS HITLER'S GIRLFRIEND!

Eva Braun in a rowboat on a lake near Munich 1937. A new batch of photos published by Life magazine provides an intimate look at the life of Hitler's girlfriend. (Getty)
These pictures are from this article:

Joe The Plumber tells me what I need to know about 45% of the white people in my America -- that they never wanted a Nigger to be their President! And, that only a white Republican man can be President of the USA! And, of course... it is not racist to believe that only white people can run this country correctly.

Why, look at the war free 229 years of utopia America has enjoyed. Look at the beautiful America -- there is no disease here, there is no poverty here, there are no poor people, there are no hungry people here, all the children receive stress free education, all the teachers are taken care of and paid handsomely by the federal government, the politicians take care of the people before they serve their self-interests, religion has not hijacked the government and racism has not torn America apart right down the middle of the country!


America is the most racist country on the planet. Our racists are now importing American style racism into countries like Russia and Uganda, for example. The racist, in the name of religion and American values, are importing American hatred toward homosexuals... which will soon morph into the hatred of other groups.

Want a taste of that hatred? Watch five minutes of the Value Voter conference, if you can stomach it. You want your racism with a tinge of the Nigger hatred for this black President? Watch Ted Cruz speak...

You want bat shit crazy religious dogma that is colored black and confused? Listen to Michele Bachmann...

You want to see the most disrespectful dick, a real human Weasel, in the Republican Party? Listen to Reince Priebus spew his racist nonsense.

And want to be really depressed for the rest of the weekend? Leave this racist mess on in the background for ten minutes and feel your soul leave your body!

Everything about the Republican Party, including the two or three race traitor Republican Negros who are allowing themselves to be used like condoms in a porn shoot,  is dirty and raw and infected. And it all boils down to this word -- RACISM!

It has ALL been about keeping the NIGGERS in check! The social structure of America IS built around using the NIGGER as labor and keeping the NIGGER from reproducing and gaining power. This NEGRO President has driven white conservative men, and women, so crazy with hatred that they are willing to SHUT DOWN THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT IN ORDER TO DRIVE THE NIGGER OUT OF TOWN!

This is so crazy that it makes Mel Brook's "Blazing Saddles" look like a vision into the bat shit crazy future! And that future is now, white people!

It is all about the racism, people... what has a black man ever done to you?

Make it stop! Make the Hell go away, white people. Only you can make YOUR white brothers and your white sisters stop this madness before OUR country falls apart.!