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Friday, November 22, 2013


What could a man truly look like if his flesh was a soulless glove?
What would the outer flesh shell of this man be composed of!
What makes the human skin an orange peel?
What makes the human soul black evil steel?
John Boehner is the human Republican shell devoid of a soul and love! 


What in the hell is wrong with all you people out there who are going apoplectic over the glitches in the Affordable Heath Care Law. Other than wanting to be anti-Obama bastards, and bitches, what in the hell is your problem?

You freely allow these Republican treason mongers to take your souls down to the hell of hatred and racism they occupy.

You allow the Republican freaks, the same ones who SHUT DOWN YOUR GODDAMN GOVERNMENT FOR OVER TWO FUCKING WEEKS... just because they hate the NEGRO in the White House... to corrupt your souls and convince you to act absolutely against your self-interests!

John Boehner is the ONE man in in your government who is holding back the progressive nature of America -- TODAY!

He alone refuses to allow immigration reform to pass, along with EVERY PROPOSAL OFFERED BY BARACK OBAMA AND THE DEMOCRATS.

He, and his Republican henchmen, will not agree with ANYTHING the Negro President does to better America. Their stated mission in government is to -- STOP BARACK OBAMA IN HIS TRACKS!

Finally, yesterday, the wishy-washy Democrats decided that they were going to stop the Republican bullshit by imposing this Nuclear Option rule to stop the Republicans from filibustering everything Democratic! It took Harry Reid five damn years to find his balls and decide to finally stop taking the screwing up the constitution from these Republican obstructionists!

Holy Shit!

And now, that dick-head John Boehner decides to go public with his registration on Obamacare.  He says it took him 45 minutes to go on the site. But, he finally got on it and REGESTERED, goddamn it! What is the damn problem?

Once you register on the site, you are finished with the goddamn thing! You might not have to go back on it for weeks to months. You don’t think that after you register that you will be bombarded with paper mail in your mailbox? Well... here is a reality check... you will! And, after you register, you can call in on the telephone... people!

This John Boehner complaint is more John Boehner playing-to-his-base bullshit! The fact is this -- he got on the site!

What is the fucking problem, people?

Go on the site!


And then go on back to your freaking Republican lives and continue to polish your guns or beat your wife or fuck your mistress or snort your cocaine or continue to wallow in, and obsess over, your derision and delusions over Barack Obama -- or ignore the mental health of your family or continue to wallow in your Ted Cruz/Sarah Palin/Marko Rubio/Ken Cuccinelli/Mark Santorum/Rick Perry/Reince Priebus/and the rest of the Republican vortex of racism, homophobia, bigotry, sexism, twisted dirty religion and hatred!

All this Republican craziness is because they are the evil bastards, and evil bitches, who would rather see people sick, dieing and dead at their feet than appropriate enough of THE GOVERNMENT’S money to give them a little health care!

Heartless bastards, and heartless bitches, who are 100 percent Republican and 99.9% white! What an example to set for the rest of the world to follow, you nasty ass Republican monsters!

Do I want to start on the SNAP program, goddamn it!


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

HELL -- Inside The Mind Of Rick Santorum

This is a warning to all reasonable and right minded Americans.

This movie is produced by Echolight Studio! This is the new studio created by former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum.

Rick Santorum is one of the most racially divisive, radical homophobic, sexist, bigoted, hateful Catholic bastards on the planet.

Remember, it is Rick Santorum who has repeatedly compared sex between gay people akin to humans having sex with dogs, or people having sex with children! These are his words, easily found on YouTube or in print!

Also, Rick Santorum called President Obama a “Nigge...” during one of his radical, televised, Tea Party crazy hell fire speeches. Oh yea... its right there on video... when he was railing against the “Socialist President” and attacking him like a foaming at the mouth Pit Bull! He caught himself, right before he put the “R” at the end of the word.

This man is evil personified.
And he is making your next Christmas movie!
And he is putting his evil values inside you by sugar coating his madness with Christmas.

I wonder how many “Nigge...’s” are prominent in this vision of a Rick Santorum produced first film movie Christmas fantasy?

If you decide to watch this movie, if you decide to take your children to see this movie, I want you to count the people in this movie who are NOT Lily white!

I have not seen this movie. But, I know Rick Santorum! And I know that NOBODY in my family is going to give a dime to this racist bastard!

Stephen Colbert just had Rick Santorum on his show. Find that episode and watch the face of Santorum as Colbert skewers his racism and radical religion like a pig on a turning spit over a raging fire!