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Friday, January 17, 2014

HELL -- Wherever Republican David Vitter Lays His Racist Head!

David Vitter... a real dick of a Senator... will not vote to force Americans to provide proof of sanity in order to buy a gun... but demands that people provide ID in order to buy food!

What a real dick!

When David Vitter shows me that I can cook a gun and my family can eat it, I'll support his ass-backward racist ideas. Until then, stay your Duck Dynasty ass in the deep mossy swamps of Louisiana with your racist ideas and your stupid notions.

And don’t twist David Vitter’s obsession with this subject matter, people. His demands come from that Louisiana swamp racism against black people. I would bet my life that David Vitter refers to my kind as those Niggers who need to be put in their places.

Guns, Duck Dynasty, huttin’ and fishin’, and harassin’ the “NYGGARS” is the Louisiana way. For those of you out there who look at New Orleans as the model of behavior in Louisiana -- you  better think again! Duck Dynasty and the vile Republicanism dripping off the RACIST governor -- now that is the Louisiana I know!

David Vitter can kiss my black ass and take his photo ID and shove it up his own ass. What a dick you are, Sir!


Friday, January 10, 2014


For those of you who believe in god...
For those of you who believe in protecting your children...
For those of you who believe in proper reason...
You better get involved with your local branch of your state's EPA!

The stupidity of man!
The arrogance of the corporate mentality!
The total disregard for the environment!
The absurdity of chemical corporations across America building their absurd, vile plants with their purulent storage tanks and evil operations right on top of the water sources, and right beside the fragile rivers and streams, across America.

And the idiots that run their cities and their counties and their states... they actually have allowed this contamination vortex to exist -- from day one!

This kind of stupid social evil is absurd... and MUST stop! Its no wonder why half the country is sick all the time. We're all contaminated by the evil fallout of the greed and fuck-you mentality of the filthy rich "corporations are people, too" mentality of those people who would poison us all... just to make another buck!

It is absurd to look at a picture of vile storage tanks at a chemical company that are build only feet away from the river that provides drinking water to the significant portion of an entire state!
