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Friday, October 17, 2014



I love Texas! I graduated from High school at Killeen High in Killeen Texas decades ago.  Texas is a great state... but, there are a whole lot of backwoods religion monsters in Texas. They are CRAZY, and if it is not about their version of god and country -- KILL IT!

Texas is Ground Zero in the crazed assault on Planned Parenthood! The Republican assault on women’s rights, including their right to live within a reasonable distance of affordable health care, has been raging ever since Rick Perry became governor of Texas. The fact that the people of Texas apparently are blind to his insanity, including the women who are HARMED by Rick Perry and his Republican lackeys, is not logical. And, the fact that Wendy Davis is not running away with the governor’s poll’s in Texas shows just how self-hating crazy Texans can be!

How is it not possible that all this ANTI-HEALTHCARE austerity in Texas has not bled into the rest of the health care systems in that state? When you hear Rick Perry tell you that Texas is a great state for health care, believe this -- HE IS LYING TO YOU!

Texas is a HORRIBLE place for public school education and a HORRIBLE PLACE for health care... and the nurses are slowly rebelling because they know how horrible the Republicans have been when it comes to their attacks on the Texas Health Care ‘industry.’ One by one, they will begin to talk... and we all had better listen to what they have to say!

For those of you out there who continue to support the Republican way... shame on you! It is flat-out stupid and self-destructive that you would rather vote for policies, and people, who WILL DO YOU HARM, rather than to vote to people you believe are LIBERAL... like that is something awful.

You people are nuts!

Anyway... Rick Perry and the Texas Republicans can go to education camps for all I am concerned!