This is the kind of mean spirited, bigoted and racist Republican idiocy rhetoric that the dumb ass Republican Senators of today are filled with inside their dark souls. The Republican men in congress and the Senate and the governor’s houses -- every goddamn last one of them -- have degrees of this hate in their DNA. Why in the hell would Mitch McConnell stand before the cameras and make such a soul killing, patriot stomping on the head of, nasty ass statement like that?
Because he cannot help himself… he is so hateful! And, his political base in Kentucky… the same people who continue to vote him back into office from decade to decade, just might be eating up this hate speech. And, some of these people just might be the ignorant unwashed who could potentially pick up arms and do something else very, very bad!
I am so glad that the Governor of Massachusetts is a Democrat! And I am so glad that the Governor of Massachusetts is a black man. There is not a doubt in my mind that Governor Deval Patrick will turn his back oh the people of Boston, or his state. I believe every word he is saying about his devotion to caring for the people of his state!
The people of Boston should eventually… eventually… thank this black man for taking care of them by giving all the hospitals and the EMT personnel and the police everything they need… as it has been stated “Unlimited recourses!”
That is the way to handle a disaster, rest of the nation!
So, in closing… Mitch McConnell in an evil bastard! He jumps from viciously attacking Ashley Judd to kowtowing to the NRA to making, to me, racist and bigoted statements right there on the Senate floor!
Let us wait and see, fellow Americans, how many Republicans will castigate Mitch McConnell for his remarks. I say, not one of them will say one damn word. Republicans fear this man like they fear rats in their nightmares!