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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Hell -- CBS And Its Affiliates

"Byron Pitts has said that one of the biggest reasons he chose to leave CBS News for ABC News was diversity." Quote from the Huffington Post.
I have been on the ass of CBS for years. My focus has been CBS radio. I've heard rumblings about the lack of diversity in the CBS Television division for years, but I have chosen to focus on CBS Radio. And that would be WJFK radio here in the Washington, DC market.
That radio station's morning show, The Sports Junkies, started with the racism and the sexism yesterday morning. Jason Bishop, the confirmed racist -- my opinion --  came back from vacation on an ocean island where I'm sure he thoroughly enjoyed bossing black people around... of which he was away from the show for a week. Without his presence, the other Sports Junkies basically stayed away from the racism. But as soon as Bishop opened his mouth, the anti-blackness started, along with the sexism.
Bishop started in on Brittney Griner. He stated that was so happy Baylor University lost its NCAA basketball tournament game. That way he never had to hear about Brittney Griner again. He openly stated his hatred of her. And when the other Sports Junkies told him that she would obviously be in the WNBA, so he would indeed have to hear about her some more, Bishop then makes another off hand comment about her... and I then decided to turn off my radio.
These types of ugly comments are a pattern with Bishop. He has said many outright racist things on the show and refuses to backtrack. I have already written several commentaries on his racist, sexist behavior.
CBS owns WJFK. Even though there are three black former athletes who talk on WJFK at different times, there is still a whole hell of a lot of racism still vomiting from the airways of WJFK. And the ignorance coming from the afternoon show is pure racial ignorant drivel.
And to be true to my attack on WJFK, I must add this: Chad Dukes is LaVar Arrington's co-host on the afternoon show. The fact that this man is now pawning himself off as serious sports commentary is a cosmic joke. Of all the racist crap ever said on WJFK over the last 15 years, the worst evil has come from... in this order... Howard Stern, Opie and Anthony and Chad Dukes!
The Sports Junkies used to allow Chad Dukes to come on the air for a few minutes at a time, a couple of times a week, to spew his racist and sexist nonsense for rating effect. Obviously, Dukes has climbed himself right up into the seat beside Arrington... and boy, what a goddamn pair they are! There is a bubbling racist just under the surface of Dukes, and the ignorance coming from Arrington is mind blowing at times.
And the management at WJFK doesn't say shit to stop the idiocy!
HELL -- at racist WJFK radio in Washington, DC!
Want read about that CBS racism in a gentle first hand? Read about it from the words of Byron Pitts.

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