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Monday, September 9, 2013


White people of America... you should be goddamn ashamed of, and frightened by, the fact that these three crazy ass bastards are representatives of WHITE American's involvement in the affairs in the governments of the Middle East.

Holy shit! Are you kidding me? These three Republican psychopaths have spread a brand of racist, sexist, homophobic backwoods religion rhetoric that has infected half of America with its jet black, humorless evil.

Why are there so many stupid, ignorant Americans walking the streets of their states and cities and towns these days? Because of bat shit crazy Republican dirt eaters like these three freaks spreading their mental illness to them through idiotic rhetoric like this in this video!

Who but racist, afraid of EVERYBODY ELSE, freaks like these three jerks, and the people who think like them, believe that the Muslim Brotherhood were the cause of 911?

What The Fuck? Is this really a Saturday Night Live skit? Bravo, NBC! You have just outdone yourselves better than anything you have EVER broadcast over your airways.

What? This is for real? You mean Hell just actually cracked open the crust of American insanity and just swallowed us all whole?

God help us all! This is the craziest shit I have seen in all 54 years of my goddamn life!



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