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Sunday, July 6, 2014

Hell -- Shooters Restaurant -- Rifle, Colorado

I recently wrote a comment about the young Texas woman who attends Texas Tech, and is a cheerleader there, who posted a bunch of pictures of her African big Animal kills, including the photo of her standing over a Rhino she shot dead.

I voiced my anger at her... and by proxy, my anger at Texas Tech.

I also kind of attacked white Texas women as being mostly gun thirsty hot chicks who want to shoot and kill things. Of course, not all Texas white women carry guns... but a whole hell of a lot of them do and it has always disturbed me.

And this is just me, folks. I DO NOT walk around telling women what not to do. This gun issue, and the issue of women who are not loyal to other women’s health and socal issues, are just about the only complaints I have about women.

I say, let women control their own lives... Period. And if you want to strap a pistol on your hip, fly to Africa and then shoot endangered animals... do it. Just know that I will scream bloody murder about that act, women.

And so this video from Colorado. Here you have it again... pretty white women strutting their right to openly carry their weapons. Take note of the skin color and demeanor of patrons of the restaurant. Take note of the waitresses. And, take note of the hot white chick owner... and her “this is the normal way it is around these parts” mentality!

Let me tell you this, people! If a black man, or black woman, dares to open a restaurant in Rifle, Colorado in which the black waitresses carried guns on their hip and the black patrons all came in packing weapons -- the FBI would swoop in and shut the place down as background checks would be administered from the owner down to the last patron in the building -- even though background checks for guns are ILLEGAL in Colorado!

And here, in my mind, is another example of the divide in America among its people.

How many Negroes will frequent “Shooters Grill” in 2014? I don’t know. I would be too afraid that the wait staff might spit in my food if I had the balls to walk in this restaurant, sit down at a table and order a meal.

When I lived in MY TEXAS, this is how I often felt as I walked into establishments in my KILLEEN, TEXAS! The stares screamed, “What are you doing in here, Nigger!”

These days, the intimidating stares are given by beautiful young white women packing ‘loaded for bear’ pistols on their hips!

I’ll tell you this, I would rather have a Nigger hating white man threaten me in this way... rather than have to face a young white woman with the face of an angel and a gun on her hip stare me down knowing that if she shot me dead right where I sit, all she has to do is say she was afraid of the big black man -- and the states of Texas and Colorado would give her full support of ‘stand your ground/homeland protection laws!’

And that is the craziness of this gun culture... that WILL protect the gun rights of the young female animal murderer in Texas and will protect the rights of the young female restaurant owner in Colorado.

Close down all the Planned Parenthood facilities across the West and the South but give all the poor white women, and poor women of color, open free access to all the weapons their male counterparts have. Maybe, when their desperation over the lack of female-centric health care, like unwanted pregnancy, overwhelms them to the point of bottom of the ditch despair, these women can use these guns to...?

MY two Americas... what a hell of a place to live in, if you are black like me!


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