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Monday, December 31, 2012

Down The Republican Darkness Of The River Styx

You are looking at a picture of hell on earth -- on the very last day of 2012!
What a dick you are, you bastard!
You... fucking America like you own us all!
That fucking smirk on your face is a shame!
What the fuck do you have to feel good about?
You, and your piss drinking redneck bastard fucks,
Could have averted this bat shit madness months ago!
You, the man in this picture, you...
You have never wanted to give this President any concession, period!
The world seems to want to avert its eyes...
When it looks into your Republican black soul!
It appears to be afraid to call you the shovel you are!
In hell, it is too late to be afraid!
Here is the truth, as it is told in HELL!
You, and your bastard constituents,
Are determined to not allow a Nigger to douse the flames of your hell!
You would rather burn America to the ground first!
Fuck the American people, you say?
Fuck the American economy, you say?
Fuck the world's economies, you say?
Fuck that Nigger who believes he my goddamn boss, you say?
Black men and their relationships with white men...
Now that is hell on earth!
And when America burns in the heat of governmental racist hell fire...
What racist white man with his AK47 and camouflage will aide me?
White people of North American hell on earth,
Your fellow Bambie killing NRA loving freak friends in government...
They are watching you burn in hell fire, too.
This on-fire funeral Pyre floating down the river Styx is crowded with all of us!
What happens tomorrow is worthless shit!
The mood of America will still be of rotted dead bodies floating in the river!
And when hell eventually claims all the fiscal dead...
I hope you, John Boehner, is burning right alongside us all!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Hell On Earth With Guns Pointing The Way

America, those of you reading this missive who are cogent, lucid and sane... I implore you to consider some simple facts and realities.
America is a vastly large country with a wildly different thinking population from region to region. Out ways of thinking about other people and the way we want to interact with them differ from the wild west notions of shoot first and then ask questions to why on earth do regular normal people need guns in the first place. The answer, of course, falls somewhere in the middle.
In a huge civilized population of armed to the teeth citizens, how is it possible to gauge just who is truly capable of handling and respecting the weapons in their possession. And, for the countless people across America who are now sitting on stockpiled arsenals with tons of ammunition... heaven help us all!
What is to stop the next person, with access to weapons designed to kill multiple amounts people at the same time, from walking out of his home and shooting up the neighborhood. What is to stop the next person who has a grudge with society from firing on police or firemen in the near future? What is to stop the anti-government militia movements that are dotted across America from plotting and executing something horrible. What is to stop a man, or a woman, who has been allowed by this American government to practically buy any weapon they desire, from using that weapon upon anyone the desire?
Hey, these gun hoarders already have the guns in their homes. They already have thousands and thousands of rounds of ammo in clips ready to be used right now! What is to stop another horrible gun related mass shooting incident from occurring... right now?
Who really has answers for questions like these? This is a mess... and a dangerous one at that.
Can you imagine the chaos if the Federal government actually decided to try to force people to give up their guns? There would be WAR on the streets of America. And, as for the huge population number of Americans who are not armed gun nuts? They would be caught in the middle of hell on earth.
Is America slowly devolving to hell? Well, it is not becoming heaven, that's for goddamn sure!


Thursday, December 13, 2012

Hell -- Being Mauled To Death By Pit Bulls


There is a private place in hell on earth reserved for humans who keep potentially deadly animals -- in the middle of populated areas -- that can, and will, kill humans!

And here we go again with the Pit Bulls. These dogs were originally bred centuries ago to work for something weird and obscure... but eventually they were used primarily to attack bulls in the brutal blood sport of Bull Bating... look that up on-line and watch your misunderstood harmless pet do what it does best!

Eventually, humans decided to… fight these dogs for sport. And We all know how brutal and nasty that business is.

You have a ticking time bomb when you own a pit bull. EVERYONE who owns a Pit Bull that kills a person says it was a gentle soul who wouldn’t hurt a fly! OK, how about killing another dog, or a human?

Hey people… keep playing with your lives, and the lives of others, with these monster dogs. You own a pit Bull? Keep it the fuck away from me, goddamn it!



Yesterday, I was coming home from the pharmacy. I'm riding through Herndon when we come to the well known stop light in the center of town. There is a four was street there. Also, a very popular bike trail crosses through the intersection. This intersection is basically a huge park area that is always full of foot traffic.

There, standing at the intersection waiting for her time to cross the street, is a gorgeous late twenty-something Caucasian babe dressed in her hot spandex walking outfit getting her exercise. And standing right there beside her is he biggest Pit Bull, on a thick chain-like leash, that I have ever seen! It was light colored and monstrous. If that dog decided to take off after someone, she could not have done a thing to prevent it dragging her behind it!

And she instantly became dirty and nasty and scary to me!

I bet she is a lovely woman... holding on to what might as well be a fire breathing dragon, to me. I didn't yell at her, she didn't notice me... and that encounter, in my mind, was over.

I still can't get that crazy mix of human woman and canine monster out of my head. WOW!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012



Who burns in hell at HSBC as a result of this bank being convicted of, get this America, Money Laundering! Of all the dirty little mud on the street petty crime novel shit... this is what the bank's employees are involved in?
And what man, and what woman, at this too big to fail organization will be banished to whatever punishment hell piss filled dicks like bankers are banished to when they commit evil worthy of a Dante's Inferno?
Watch and listen, America, as the fires of banking hell rise up to burn back the Feds... sending them scurrying back into their bluster caves as the money and the power of these bankers beat them over the head with lawyers from hell!
What the fuck is one billion dollars to the banking devils? By definition, the banking devils have unlimited resources to fight back the forces that would cause their perdition!
There is no punishment for the bankers from hell. They will gladly sacrifice one of their own to protect the greater evil of money, greed, cocaine and cock sucking bitches!
Fuck HSBS, fuck Jamie Dimon, fuck Bank of America, fuck Citi Bank -- fuck them all, because I am tired of them fucking me! And you should be tired of being fucked by the hell on earth lying, scummy, fuckers at the biggest scammers in the galaxy -- The Banks From Hell!
Think about what your money is actually being used for the next time you put a dime in your on fire bank!
Banking Hell... burning your money and your communities as the earth around you scorches!


Hell is a metaphysical construct of tall tale fantasy meant to frighten the gullible into following the rules of those who make the religion rules. The very thought of going to hell frightens humans into all kinds of strange and problematic behavior. Just where this hell is…now that is the question, isn’t it?

When you die -- and your id… or your spirit… or your ghost… or whatever invisible substance you believe is left behind after your solid form ceases to live -- that lingering thing you believe is your soul transcends space, time and reality and moves on to that magical place called Heaven, or Limbo, or Hell… the question begs for the answer -- where are these places? And, how do you know where they are? Oh, faith and the words of God translated through the words of countless men gives you the truth.


I do not know where Heaven is. You don’t either! I don’t know where Limbo is. And you don’t either! But I know where the fuck hell is! It is just outside my front door. It is just down the street. It is over in the next town! It is in the next county! It is in the next state! It is in the next country!

It is in Florida!

And here is a goddamn prime example of hell! And I don’t have to use my fucking scared shitless imagination to scare myself into believing hell is right here on this goddamn planet Earth!

Welcome to hell!