You are looking at a picture of hell on earth -- on the very last day of 2012!
What a dick you are, you bastard!
You... fucking America like you own us all!
That fucking smirk on your face is a shame!
What the fuck do you have to feel good about?
You, and your piss drinking redneck bastard fucks,
Could have averted this bat shit madness months ago!
You, the man in this picture, you...
You have never wanted to give this President any concession, period!
The world seems to want to avert its eyes...
When it looks into your Republican black soul!
It appears to be afraid to call you the shovel you are!
In hell, it is too late to be afraid!
Here is the truth, as it is told in HELL!
You, and your bastard constituents,
Are determined to not allow a Nigger to douse the flames of your hell!
You would rather burn America to the ground first!
Fuck the American people, you say?
Fuck the American economy, you say?
Fuck the world's economies, you say?
Fuck that Nigger who believes he my goddamn boss, you say?
Black men and their relationships with white men...
Now that is hell on earth!
And when America burns in the heat of governmental racist hell fire...
What racist white man with his AK47 and camouflage will aide me?
White people of North American hell on earth,
Your fellow Bambie killing NRA loving freak friends in government...
They are watching you burn in hell fire, too.
This on-fire funeral Pyre floating down the river Styx is crowded with all of us!
What happens tomorrow is worthless shit!
The mood of America will still be of rotted dead bodies floating in the river!
And when hell eventually claims all the fiscal dead...
I hope you, John Boehner, is burning right alongside us all!