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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Hell On Earth With Guns Pointing The Way

America, those of you reading this missive who are cogent, lucid and sane... I implore you to consider some simple facts and realities.
America is a vastly large country with a wildly different thinking population from region to region. Out ways of thinking about other people and the way we want to interact with them differ from the wild west notions of shoot first and then ask questions to why on earth do regular normal people need guns in the first place. The answer, of course, falls somewhere in the middle.
In a huge civilized population of armed to the teeth citizens, how is it possible to gauge just who is truly capable of handling and respecting the weapons in their possession. And, for the countless people across America who are now sitting on stockpiled arsenals with tons of ammunition... heaven help us all!
What is to stop the next person, with access to weapons designed to kill multiple amounts people at the same time, from walking out of his home and shooting up the neighborhood. What is to stop the next person who has a grudge with society from firing on police or firemen in the near future? What is to stop the anti-government militia movements that are dotted across America from plotting and executing something horrible. What is to stop a man, or a woman, who has been allowed by this American government to practically buy any weapon they desire, from using that weapon upon anyone the desire?
Hey, these gun hoarders already have the guns in their homes. They already have thousands and thousands of rounds of ammo in clips ready to be used right now! What is to stop another horrible gun related mass shooting incident from occurring... right now?
Who really has answers for questions like these? This is a mess... and a dangerous one at that.
Can you imagine the chaos if the Federal government actually decided to try to force people to give up their guns? There would be WAR on the streets of America. And, as for the huge population number of Americans who are not armed gun nuts? They would be caught in the middle of hell on earth.
Is America slowly devolving to hell? Well, it is not becoming heaven, that's for goddamn sure!


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