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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Hell -- Horror Movie Reality In New Mexico

This insanity is the stuff of Horrorwalker Travel Guide nightmares!
Travel to New Mexico... where the air is dry, the people are tough and these two monsters are allowed to breed!
One look at either of these two freaks and the questions has to be begged --
"Do you have any children caged in your house?"
You can't make this shit up as fiction... when it is a non-fiction reality!
God doesn't exist, people. People exist... and too many of them are godless!
Look into the faces of madness!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Hell -- Right There In A Syrian Canal

It is not my policy to write about attacking others on a physical level. 
I am a liberal bastard when it comes to women's right and gun control. 
I will talk shit if need be, but I just don't need to fall into the threat game. 
Except, when I read reports like this one. 
What the fuck!
I mean, really...goddamn it!
Therefore, this poem...
And if you don't like these words...
If you defend this bullshit...
Fuck you, too!!

Hell -- Right There In A Syrian Canal

Hell on earth in the place called the Middle East.
They tell us this is the holy land.
This deity of theirs must be a flame filled beast...
Only a psychotic god would tolerate his blood soaked sand!

Evil men of dirt and piss and anger beget more evil...
As they fill the air with the rotting flesh smell of death!
They refuse to raise their status above primitives, medieval...
Even with all the death and evil, they are never without breath.

They murder each other like ants killing ants in a raid!
Your God forbid, if you are a woman or a helpless child.
Gunshots, beheading, stoning -- your soul to be laid.
Torture, rape, acid to the face, hangings -- all evil, never mild!

Look at that madness displayed on your screen!
These are the acts of the most vile humans who plague our days!
God will not help us when this evil appears on our seen!
These are dirty, evil monster men who must be razed!

Save the women and the children, I say.
Nuke these evil bastard men from the face of the earth!
They are vile, puss-filled rats who refuse to share and play!
Nuke them back to the matter they were before their birth!

Amen, Goddamn it!


Sunday, January 27, 2013

Hell -- The Filth Of An American City

I have never lived in New Your City. I have lived in Northern New Jersey for a few years. I hated every goddamn minute I spent up there and I've vowed never to return. Obviously, you should never say never.
That area has a legacy of reckless, uncaring companies spreading their industrial filth and industrial pollution, saturating the ground and the water with dangerous chemicals. It is so bad that some people actually cannot live off the land in several areas... it's too toxic. And the water... regardless of whether it is river water or ocean water underground aquifer water... who in their right mind would swim in it, let alone drink it. YUCK! And when you see what happened to this tough marine mammal as it was slowly murdered by flowing river of death water right there in the city? Hey, people, that fucking water is slowly absorbed by the surrounding land. Whatever chemicals that are so powerful as to kill these marine mammals can, and will, slowly kill you adults and your children.
The chemical soup in that water... leeching into the soil and leeching chemicals up into the air. You, people of New York City, you are breathing in the filth! You are eating food coated in that filth. That filth is on the walls you touch. That filth in is in the skin of your children as they literally bathe in New York City industrial filth every day! And, you take that shit from your city leaders?
You are all slowly dying an evil death. The chemicals in your lungs and liver and spleen are laced with lead, asbestos, Mercury, arsenic, dirt, filth, grime, muck and death. It's fucking frightening, to me... a goddamn outsider who has vowed to never live there, goddamn it!
America watched the outrage of Michael Vick's involvement with the killing of dogs. 'Lynch the Negro,' they might as well have cried in disgust! 'Killing a dog trumps the murder of humans any day!"
Where is the outrage of the slow torturous death of marine mammals that happen to swim into the waters that flow throughout NYC? And, where is the outrage over the knowledge that the water in your shit filled commode is cleaner than the water you skipped stones in yesterday! When you let your dog lap water from that pond, and the next morning it was vomiting up green bile... what in the hell did you expect to happen?
A living hell on earth... and the people of NYC have allowed greedy men, who do not give one flat fuck about you, to pollute the place where you eat and sleep... right under your noses... while flipping you the bird as they pocket their blood money wealth.
Symbiosis -- it is a motherfucker!
Hell on earth -- right there in the ground, the air and waters of NYC!

Friday, January 25, 2013

HELL -- Occupied Virginia

I am not long to occupy this land of Virginia.
The cold air is not nearly as cold blooded as the politicians in Richmond.
They are obstructionist Republican zealots who are anti-reason.
The laws they pass are draconian and slave master serious.

It is a wishful anti-woman agenda where they must control her uterus.
And if she refuses the state, they will rape her with a vaginal probe!
It is an in-the-books anti-union agenda…
They call it Right To Work, some call it the death of worker’s rights.
It is an anti-fairness voting rights agenda!
I thought a word like gerrymander was old school racist wish fulfillment…
Erased from the modern lexicon by good will, reason, and hope for peace.
Instead, the hatred and the racism and the exclusionism all thrive… in Virginia!

It is a pro-gun rights agenda on horse steroids!
The criminals of America KNOW they can invade Virginia with impunity,
Buy as many high powered weapons as they can hold in their grubby hands,
And drag their booty from New York State to South American shores.

It is an anti-negro agenda state of affairs here in Virginia!
I cringe when I see the racist governor and his Lt. governor lackey…
When I watch either one of them rarely interact with black people,
I cringe when I see them smirk and smile like sneaky dicks.

It is an anti-gay rights state of malaise that covers Virginia.
Regardless of what sneaky underhanded rhetoric vomits from Richmond…
Virginia is the heart of racism, homophobia, sexism and anti-women’s rights…
The heart of guns, confederate musings of the past and cocky white men!

Regardless of his rhetoric, I’m convinced Bob McDonnell dreams of Niggers…
Owning them, removing them from Virginia and sending them back to Africa.
And, without one single doubt in my mind --
His noted stances on twisted religion drives his anti-women agenda!

Remember, Bob McDonnell was so radical with all that Vaginal Probe nonsense…
Mitt Romney completely snubbed him as his vice-presidential nominee in 2012!
And the other racist, crazy Virginian Republicans (Eric Cantor) are just as evil!
They would rather see this President dead on a slab in a morgue than respect him!

Look to Maryland, Virginian women who want peace, sanity and protected children.
That state’s political system is pro-women and pro-human rights.
It is amazing how user friendly Maryland became when the Republicans were ousted!
You’ll soon have the opportunity to make Virginia as friendly as your neighbor.

The Republicans of Virginia are changing voting rights law as I write this!
They are sneaky bastards not asking for one word of your input!
If you let them get away with their “Crimes” without punishment…
You are sheep who deserve every “Cracker whip” across your exposed backs!

Two years and counting, people of Virginia!
You can kick these Republican bastards in their asses!
God knows they’ve rammed those Vaginal Probe issues up your raw asses!
Me? I don’t trust Virginian sheep to turn on the wolves and devour them!

So, I just might have to get the hell out of this state.
I cannot live around people who sit back in their comfort chairs,
Taking the shafts up the behinds as those assholes in Richmond laugh at you!
Virginia is for Lovers? Hell no… Virginia is for sheep… The Human Kind!


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Hell -- Nuclear Rockets Raining Down On My Head

U.S. Special Representative for North Korea policy Glyn Davies, center, speaks at a news conference in Seoul on Thursday.
Every American on this planet should thank their version of god that religion doesn't play a role in the paranoid delusional decisions made by the leadership of North Korea. If Islamic fanaticism was a part of the culture there... the United States of America would have been nuked decades ago.
One would have thought that the new North Korean leader, being younger and obviously more knowing of the ways of the West, would be less dogmatic and delusional than his father -- but obviously not!
Hell -- Nuclear Rockets Raining Down On My Head! Sounds like this should be the title of a Prince song from the 1980's, doesn't it? But my frightening nightmare reality is... War with North Korea?That is a fight that actually might kill millions of innocents.
Hell on earth. America, I just showed you what it can be. Call your congressman today to let him know that diplomacy, not war, will keep this particular version of hell in the metaphysical!
Place your calls today!


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Hell -- Islam Stomping LGBT Human Rights


I keep up with the news like anyone else in the America. In this country, from election cycles to election cycles, I watch as Americans vote people into almost god-like power positions who are either racist gun fetishists or mind-fried religious zealots. And, I am stunned and amazed when normal people are shocked when those men, and women, who have been given these powers suddenly, immediately, either turn on the people who do not live and think like them... or they set forth the racist agenda that should have been obvious to the people who give them their power in the first place.
Even with the new moderate politicians voted into offices across America, we are still right in the middle of the worst time in politics ever in America. As long as the evil, racist Republicans continue to have their power... America will continue to slide backward. In two years, Americans will have the opportunity to set America right by getting rid of these backward thinking Republican Governors across our country... and voting out the Republicans at the federal level who are gumming up the American dream.
America -- when you give power to a Republican man, or a Republican woman, who spouts dangerous anti-human rhetoric... that person WILL use that power to squash the people he, or she, does not respect! Period! The political hierarchy in Virginia is the perfect example. Virginia might as well be a backwards thinking isolated town in coldest Siberia, Russia. Yes, it is that bad here -- under Republican control!
And the governor of Virginia? He is a well known religious anti-woman, anti-gay, racist bastard! Don't trust my words. Any search engine will bring up his craziness that continues to this day! And the WHITE people of Virginia voted a Republican into the governorship. And he has set forth to destroy everything, and everyone, who is not like his crazy religious idiocy.
All that American derision is in your back yard, Americans. And all this craziness is ramped up by 100% when you look at what is happening in other countries around the world.

When I see people in countries across the globe vote religious fanatics into power over them... and then watch the people wilt in shock as the religious fanatics stomp them to the ground -- crushing them and killing them -- I can only shake my head and wonder just what in the hell is wrong with these people?
I don't care who you are! I don't care where you have lived! I don't care what your skin color is! Islam is the most frightening concept for a religion on this planet. The populace of any religion will tell me that their religion is benevolent! But, the power is at the top... at the clergy level -- and they are bat shit crazy! The brainwashing teaching creates a tidal wave of new zealots to rise to the level of crazy every day.
Egypt... you voted these Islamists religious hardcore men into power. You knew what they would do to you, yet you gave them the power anyway. And now you will suffer the consequences as you watch your boys and girls, your men and women, your brothers and sisters and your parents, who might happen to be of the LGBT community, slowly have their rights violated -- possibly, being imprisoned or put to death at the hands of the religious fanatics.
Islam has spread, like a virulent infection, into Europe now. It has spread into island nations. And, it will soon rise up in America like a phoenix, scorching the ground everywhere it lands.
Hey... you praise whatever invisible, ethereal, higher-plane, ghost-like all powerful creature you want to praise. Good for you. I'm not going to try to stop you. But, when you come after me... and you will... then get ready for a fight in the courts. I'm not going where you are going.
Can this hell on this earth on this day truly be any worse than Dante's Inferno fiction? I'll never know, because when I'm dead... I'll be DEAD! But, right now I'm alive... and guess what? I've concluded that this present moment in time is THE hell on earth.
And I don't like it!

Two years from now, Americans. You have two years to do your research to make your new gods in your image. Do you want lying Republican dictators lording over your race and your uterus's? Or, do you want liberal wishy washy politicians who, for all their faults, do appear to at least not want you dead! Take your pick as you walk through... HELL!



Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A Vision Of Hell On American Soil


I don't give a damn what any gun freak tells me about his, or her, right to own any firearm he, or she, desires... you are all bat shit crazy! It is idiotic, over-the-top, aggressive bastards like this ranting son-of-a-bitch who are your leaders... and if you follow psychos like this nut, I might have to get a gun to protect myself from you monsters.

I am a 53 year old black man. You, and those like you, call me Nigger! When the imaginary anti-government crap goes down and you gun freaks pour out into the streets shooting up the joint... who in the hell is going to protect me from you bastards? What is to stop one of you gun freaks from simply popping off a round into my Nigger skull, just because...

Look at this bat shit crazy madman, America. Is this the man, or men like him, you want rising up to over take your government to become your leader? WTF... that would indeed be hell on earth, for people with skin color like mine!


Thursday, January 3, 2013

White People Bringing The Hell


Politics be damned!
I want to know the answer to this goddamn question... what in the hell has happened to white people in my America of today. When I was in my late teens, through my early thirties, I had high hopes that America was on its way to transforming into a racially accepting paradise. I saw thousands and thousands of white people having a goddamn ball in settings like this… both live and on the television. The disco period was a colorful time of GAY and FUN! Surly, I though through the haze, smoke, perfume, and sound… this is the beginning of the love, not war, reality.

Then, in the 1980s, all hell broke loose as the bible rose up from the depths of hell and dragged ever perverted fuck out of the fire to splatter hell fire and derision onto all of America. And, we have been sinking deeper and deeper into the pits of REAL hell on earth ever since!

I watched as white people slowly began to hoard guns, bibles, religious dogma, the desire to kill everything not cloaked in Caucasian skin and devil filled religious rhetoric coated in the word of a god none of them truly understands.

Holy Hell!

Where are the white people dancing like freaks to the ambiguous black man today? Where are the white people dancing like drunken fools at a drunken gay parade. Where are the white people who just want to have a goddamn good time? Where are the white people who have power in America who want to bring the party to America? Where the hell are they?

White folks… these are your people in this video. You mean to tell me you don’t want to have a fucking good time like them? If you do… tell your fellow white man to watch this video, or do something like this, and feel the goddamn love and spirit!

Hell fire, guns, and religion making you fucking crazy? Or, getting head… and fucked, by that fucking fine bitch, or bastard, you were rubbing up against during this goddamn great song! Remember the times…

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A Man Destined To Burn In HELL

It was widely known that, before John Boehner became Speaker of the House, that he was an arrogant dick who loves to throw back the hard ones at the local DC bars. That blubbery, lip smacking affect he has, along with his crying jags, just might be the damage of one to many shots of expensive Bourbon poured into the gullet of a complete asshole!
For John Boehner to tell Harry Reed to "Go Fuck Yourself" is a huge shovel of bat crap! Boenher has complained about the "disrespect" the President and the Democrats have showed him for over a year, now. But there is absolutely not a reporting of Democrats cursing him... and absolutely not that kind of disrespect from Obama. Boehner is showing just how much of a bratty pussy he is!
What can Harry Reed do to John Boehner that he isn't doing to himself. All of Boehner's political ills come as a result of him being nothing but a snippy little poodle who has bark, but no bite. And who does he decide to pick on? He snipes a 150 year old Harry Reed. Just how much of a prick is John Boehner?
I want to see this piece of garbage walk up to Barack Obama and throw out an expletive like that. We'll never see that... because John Boehner is a sometimes drunken, ineffective political hack who has, for some reason I'll never know, commanded a type of respect among his peers that has allowed him to do what he doesn't do! I don't get it!
Hey... yea you, Mr. Jerk... you had better watch your buddy Eric Cantor. If you had any balls about you, you would be fending off that Republican Tea Party super freak clawing at your shadow. He is about to put the hammer on you. Let's see you defend yourself, do your job and do your part to stop your Republican madness... you goofy, passive-aggressive bastard!