I keep up with the news like anyone else in the America. In this country, from election cycles to election cycles, I watch as Americans vote people into almost god-like power positions who are either racist gun fetishists or mind-fried religious zealots. And, I am stunned and amazed when normal people are shocked when those men, and women, who have been given these powers suddenly, immediately, either turn on the people who do not live and think like them... or they set forth the racist agenda that should have been obvious to the people who give them their power in the first place.
Even with the new moderate politicians voted into offices across America, we are still right in the middle of the worst time in politics ever in America. As long as the evil, racist Republicans continue to have their power... America will continue to slide backward. In two years, Americans will have the opportunity to set America right by getting rid of these backward thinking Republican Governors across our country... and voting out the Republicans at the federal level who are gumming up the American dream.
America -- when you give power to a Republican man, or a Republican woman, who spouts dangerous anti-human rhetoric... that person WILL use that power to squash the people he, or she, does not respect! Period! The political hierarchy in Virginia is the perfect example. Virginia might as well be a backwards thinking isolated town in coldest Siberia, Russia. Yes, it is that bad here -- under Republican control!
And the governor of Virginia? He is a well known religious anti-woman, anti-gay, racist bastard! Don't trust my words. Any search engine will bring up his craziness that continues to this day! And the WHITE people of Virginia voted a Republican into the governorship. And he has set forth to destroy everything, and everyone, who is not like his crazy religious idiocy.
All that American derision is in your back yard, Americans. And all this craziness is ramped up by 100% when you look at what is happening in other countries around the world.
When I see people in countries across the globe vote religious fanatics into power over them... and then watch the people wilt in shock as the religious fanatics stomp them to the ground -- crushing them and killing them -- I can only shake my head and wonder just what in the hell is wrong with these people?
I don't care who you are! I don't care where you have lived! I don't care what your skin color is! Islam is the most frightening concept for a religion on this planet. The populace of any religion will tell me that their religion is benevolent! But, the power is at the top... at the clergy level -- and they are bat shit crazy! The brainwashing teaching creates a tidal wave of new zealots to rise to the level of crazy every day.
Egypt... you voted these Islamists religious hardcore men into power. You knew what they would do to you, yet you gave them the power anyway. And now you will suffer the consequences as you watch your boys and girls, your men and women, your brothers and sisters and your parents, who might happen to be of the LGBT community, slowly have their rights violated -- possibly, being imprisoned or put to death at the hands of the religious fanatics.
Islam has spread, like a virulent infection, into Europe now. It has spread into island nations. And, it will soon rise up in America like a phoenix, scorching the ground everywhere it lands.
Hey... you praise whatever invisible, ethereal, higher-plane, ghost-like all powerful creature you want to praise. Good for you. I'm not going to try to stop you. But, when you come after me... and you will... then get ready for a fight in the courts. I'm not going where you are going.
Can this hell on this earth on this day truly be any worse than Dante's Inferno fiction? I'll never know, because when I'm dead... I'll be DEAD! But, right now I'm alive... and guess what? I've concluded that this present moment in time is THE hell on earth.
And I don't like it!
Two years from now, Americans. You have two years to do your research to make your new gods in your image. Do you want lying Republican dictators lording over your race and your uterus's? Or, do you want liberal wishy washy politicians who, for all their faults, do appear to at least not want you dead! Take your pick as you walk through... HELL!
Two years from now, Americans. You have two years to do your research to make your new gods in your image. Do you want lying Republican dictators lording over your race and your uterus's? Or, do you want liberal wishy washy politicians who, for all their faults, do appear to at least not want you dead! Take your pick as you walk through... HELL!
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