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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A Vision Of Hell On American Soil


I don't give a damn what any gun freak tells me about his, or her, right to own any firearm he, or she, desires... you are all bat shit crazy! It is idiotic, over-the-top, aggressive bastards like this ranting son-of-a-bitch who are your leaders... and if you follow psychos like this nut, I might have to get a gun to protect myself from you monsters.

I am a 53 year old black man. You, and those like you, call me Nigger! When the imaginary anti-government crap goes down and you gun freaks pour out into the streets shooting up the joint... who in the hell is going to protect me from you bastards? What is to stop one of you gun freaks from simply popping off a round into my Nigger skull, just because...

Look at this bat shit crazy madman, America. Is this the man, or men like him, you want rising up to over take your government to become your leader? WTF... that would indeed be hell on earth, for people with skin color like mine!


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