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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Hell -- At The Desk Of Darrell Issa

You are looking at the worst human being in America. Every day another Republican steps up to the front of the Screw The American Public Line! Today, for another day, it is the deadly political obstructionist Darrell Issa.
This Republican, from California for god's sake, is a woman hating, racist, job killing fool who has taken it upon himself to use his Republican powers to obstruct women's rights and attack the workers of America. He is a monster who is single-handily bringing down the American economy with his flat-out attacks on American workers!
You are looking at the face of the man who is responsible for allowing the economy killing decision by the Post Master General to immediately end Saturday post office delivery. This is a crime before the people of America and those same people in California have got to put an end to this man's madness by voting his ass out of congress in two years.
America -- Darrell Issa has GOT to be fired in two years! You cannot allow this man to stomp all over YOUR rights!
He has attacked women like they are dogs!
He has lied to the public about many of the sleezy actions he had sanctioned.
He is a bully who is filled with smarmy bile.
And his resume of ignorance and evil is a mile long.
It is right there online for you to find if you want to know just how evil this man is!
Just ask Sandra Fluke!
Today's actions taken against the Post Office just might be blatantly illegal. The constitution protects the Post Office -- and the lawyers MUST attack Issa and his gang of political outlaws!
Darrell Issa lives in Hell... and he wants to drag us all down into the pit he lives in.
I'm not going!

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