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Friday, February 8, 2013

Hell -- The Redwood Forests Of The USA

Man, the termite scourge of the earth, has chewed its way through the plant life of this planet like termites chewing through an untreated house. Man has destroyed the planet... and the planet is now rebelling. 

The redwood forests of this part of northwestern United States of America were nearly obliterated by one power company that went into the ancient forest of the largest plants on the earth and nearly cut down every tree on the acreage. And, the nasty, uncaring, greedy government of that state, and of the United States of America, allowed it to happen. And, if you believe in god, how can the actions of an evil, greedy company that was allowed to destroy the earths greatest oxygen producing living things, the Giant Redwood Trees, not be anything other than an affront to that god!

The world is rebelling, people. This planet is trying to exterminate the vermin that is destroying the surface. Man has become a blight on the earth and we are about to be exterminated. God help all of us if, from day to day, the do gooders of the world cannot fix this planet before that cataclysmic event happens that kills us all!

This story should piss-off the world! How could the owner of this power company, with anything other than psychotic greed, actually order the complete destruction of this Redwood forest? It is insane!

I was a kid in the 1960s, and conservationists were screaming bloody murder back then.

This video is very hopeful, but these trees take a human lifetime to grow to half full size. Incredible, the destruction man has wrought upon this planet!

Is Hell a glowing pit of burning fire and brinstone? Or, is Hell right here on the surface of the planet earth, open and visible, for all of us to see?

I see Hell! I hope you see it, too. And we can all get up off our asses and throw a cup of water on the fire. It might make a difference!


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